Monday, 12 September 2016

Supreme Potential's Goji Berry 900mg Now Available at Amazon

www.GIFCreator.me_JB3mqf (1) amazon-buy-button-png
About the Product
  • GOJI BERRY; want a potent antioxidant boost in a convenient everyday supplement? Our Goji Berry provides 900mg of premium goji berry extract to provide an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory boost for superior health!
  • 900MG 4:1 GOJI BERRY; unlike others on the market, every serving of our Goji Berry provides a potent 900mg of premium 4:1 goji berry for an unbeatable healthy boost in every serving!
  • ANTIOXIDANT RICH; formulated with a high antioxidant content together with vitamin C, fiber and beta carotene for unsurpassed quality to support cellular health!
  • 100% NATURAL; completely free from fillers, binders, artificial ingredients, GMOs and gluten for an easily consumed, non-irritating everyday supplement for a healthy boost!
  • GUARANTEED QUALITY; manufactured in the USA in an FDA approved, GMP certified facility for guaranteed purity and quality in every bottle! Click the Orange Button to order now!

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Top Benefits of Ginseng For Your Body – Explained

Ginseng supplement is one of the newest health supplements in the market and has gained greater momentum when it comes to health and skin benefits. But, before you know more about product and whether it is useful and safe, how can you go for it? Isn’t it?

Here are the few facts about Ginseng supplement, which can help you decide whether this product is meant for you or not. Let us find out these Ginseng supplement facts.

What is Ginseng supplement?

Basically, Ginseng supplement is a milky-white, nutritious creamy liquid secretion of nurse bee. This product is secreted from hypopharryngeal glands of the bees. Due to its strong pudding-like reliability as well as flavor, queen bees live only for this substance and it forms their fertility, prolonged existence and enormous size.

Ginseng supplement is said to have ingredients which are extremely beneficial for the health as well as the skin. These nutrient components of the Ginseng supplement give countless health benefits but it should be noted that everything has an action and reaction as well. Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that it does have certain side-effects which are applicable to certain people.

What is the source of Ginseng?

As described initially, the source of Ginseng is secretion of working honey bees. Ginseng supplement is a gelatinous secretion that comes from the glands of bees. This is fed to the queen bee as well which is said to enhance its health too.

This secretion of worker honey bees enhances the health of even queen bee and is said to be responsible for its better fertility and long life. This can be taken from the fact that a queen bee grows in size 42% greater than worker bees and lives 5-7 years more than them. Apart from this, the queen bee also lays more than 2000 eggs per day.

What forms Ginseng?

The components of Ginseng are all Vitamin B complex which also include B5 and B6, several minerals, enzymes, amino acids, Vitamin A, C, D and E, Nucleic Acids which are very good in formation of RNA and DNA, certain signs of collagen formation which is extremely beneficial for healthy skin and acetylcholine which helps in improving message transmission from one nerve to another in brain.

Benefits of Ginseng Supplement


Red ginseng capsules is used as a nutritional substance since they provide high energy to the body, improves skin and hair quality, enhancesand promotes youthful looks, strengthens immune system, improves resilience to flu and cold and most other illnesses, reduces stress and much more.

Many research companies all over the world has discovered that this jelly substance have anti-tumor properties that directly effects the growth of the tumor causing sarcoma cells. While experimenting on mice, it was discovered that the life span of the injected mice had increased by about one-fifth years of its actual life span.


These Ginseng supplement facts depict its therapeutic effects and health benefits. Thus, it can be said without a doubt that ginseng supplement can be a very good source of nutrition in your life as well.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

How is Milk Thistle Beneficial For Your Liver and Your Body as a Whole?

There are many different views on the beneficial characteristics as well as the qualities which this herb called silybum marianum, popularly called milk thistle has. It originally belongs to the daisy family and is also available in abundance in west or to be more precise, Europe.


Milk thistle has many benefiting features and qualities, but two of the main features is contained by the leaves which is they retain a milky sap and the leaves has white spots. There are many researches still going on to maximize the use of this herb and one of the recent discovery in this segment is that, the seed of milk thistle is alleviating in curing chronic liver diseases. These seeds are used as medicine for treating liver diseases for the last 2,000 years according to the findings.



It is very obvious that questions like whether the herbs such as milk thistle is really useful in cleansing the liver or not arises in minds of many and here is the answer for it. From ancient times itself, milk thistle has been used for different kinds of problems related to liver as well as the gall bladder. As we all know that liver is one of the most important part of our body machinery, its health in many ways also reflect how healthy a human being we are. Problems like constipation, indigestion and foul breath can be easily get rid off by using milk thistle to cleanse the liver.


There is one very important and useful chemical compound in the milk thistle which is used to detoxify the liver as well as regenerate the cells which resides in the liver, also known as liver cells. There are many ways in which liver can be damaged for e.g. by consuming alcohol too often or may be by consuming drugs as many of these drugs can have harmful effects on the liver.


Milk thistle and skin has anti-oxidizing agents which cleanses your liver and helps to keep the free radicals at bay. This in turn helps in reducing the rate at which inflammation occurs and thus, also prevents Cirrhosis. Milk thistle maintains the balances of enzymes and is therefore instrumental in protecting the liver. Anyone who is a victim of any kind of hepatic disease or may be just want to increase the immune power for these kinds of diseases, then taking herbal based supplements made of milk thistle is very effective. However, it is always advised that a physician is consulted before taking herbal supplement doses because taking these supplements in optimum amount is very essential else one might suffer, hampering side effects.

An herb such as supplement milk thistle is easily available in-store or online in the form of solution, capsules or complex compound named Silymarin phosphatidylcholine. Many researches have been conducted on the effectiveness of these herbal compounds and it has been proved that our body cells can absorb the above mentioned compound very quickly in comparison to other herbs and supplements available in the market.

Optimum amount of doses intake is very essential and adults can consume 13-15 mg of dried herb everyday but in case of children, it is very important that one takes precaution and consult a physician as researches are still going on to maximize the benefit deriving from this benefiting herb. So, the answer to the question that whether milk thistle cleanses the liver or not, the answer is definitely YES.

Saturday, 3 September 2016

Turmeric Curcumin by Supreme Potential Now Available at Amazon

About the Product
  • ★ EXTREMELY POTENT, SUPERIOR ABSORPTION, HIGHEST QUALITY: 900mg of Pure Turmeric Curcumin with 5mg of Black Pepper Extract for superior bio availability
  • ★ STANDARDIZED 95% CURCUMINOIDS: Normal turmeric only contains 2-6% curcumin. Yet studies show most of the health benefits come from the curcumin found inside. Beware of 'turmeric curcumin' formulas that simply contain a high dose of regular turmeric that only contain 2-6% curcumin. Our Tumeric Complex is standardized to 95% curcuminoids, which means you're getting a highly potent dose of concentrated Tumeric Curcumin.
  • ★ SCIENTIFICALLY FORMULATED FOR MAXIMUM QUALITY: These medicinal properties have been proven, peer-reviewed and published in over 5,600 biomedical studies on rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation and joint pain.
  • ★ MOST EFFECTIVE FORMULA, IDEAL FOR BODY DETOX: Improves digestive health. Turmeric is the perfect supplement to stimulate the production of bile in the liver, thus cleansing the body and improving the ability to digest fats and excrete toxins.
  • ★ A PROVEN IMMUNE BOOSTER: Its anti-oxidant qualities improve the health of cell membranes, which makes cells more resistant to infection and malignancies, as well as more common issues like digestive or skin problems.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

The Best Prenatal Vitamins on Amazon By Supreme Potential

About the Product
  • ★ WHOLE FOOD-BASED-which is rich with all the vital nutrients which are critically mportant for nursing and expectant mothers
  • ★ SCIENTIFICALLY FORMULATED- to provide immune support for BOTH mom and baby not only during pregnancy, but after birth as well.
  • ★ SYNERGISTIC BLEND- our prenatal blend is formulated in a way where it is will be maximally effective to support brain, eye, and nervous system function and healthin developing babies
  • ★ 100% SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK- If at any time during your pregnancy or after-you can continue to take it for your own health postpartum-you are not completely satisfied; we will process your return with no questions asked!
  • ★ CONTAINS ABSOLUTELY NO -sugar, lactose/dairy, wheat, GMOs, gluten or yeast